Thirsty for Answers: Can You Drink Tap Water in Madrid?

is tap water in Madrid safe to drink

So can you drink tap water in Madrid? A question we should ask before we visit any country in the world is if it is safe to drink the local tap water. You really don’t want to put it to the test, only to end up mapping out all the local toilets to assure you make it in time! 

Luckily, the tap water in Madrid is good. But, if you are used to drinking a certain type of water all the time, and you change it suddenly, very rarely you might feel a little something. This is just your stomach getting used to the change in amount of minerals present in the water.

Drinking water in Madrid is held to a very high standard. We go and have picnics near the reservoirs when the weather is really hot to catch a breeze, and it is forbidden to enter the water. They are guarded, have high fences and a lot of shrubbery around the waters. The water here is direct run off from the mountains too, so it comes pre filtered by nature.

I have lived here for near a decade, and I want to talk to you a little about the drinking water in Madrid. Most people are going to come here in the summer, and you will need to be hydrated all the time. I’ll do my best to let you what I know about the safety of drinking water in Madrid and hope to put your mind and tummy at ease.

Where does Madrid get its water from

Madrid’s tap water is continually praised for its taste and quality, but where does Madrid get its water from? The body in charge of the drinking water in Madrid is the Canal de Isabel II. It manages 14 reservoirs and 75 underground water collection facilities with strict controls on the water’s treatment.

The secret behind the good tasting water of Madrid lies in the granitic composition of the Sierra de Madrid, which results in less calcium and minerals in the rivers. This makes the water quality a lot softer resulting in a much higher quality tap water.

Madrids drinking water has been held in high regard for a lot longer than you may think. Ever since the 9th century when the ¨viajes de agua¨ (water routes) were established, the city has always made sure the drinking water of the city was kept clean and to the same high standard. The city even gives free tours for visitors to explore the historical water routes and their significance, with some vestiges exhibited in the Museo de los Caños del Peral.

Drinking tap water in Madrid

Madrid’s tap water has earned a reputation for being safe and high-quality, and it’s no wonder why. The city’s water supply undergoes stringent monitoring and purification processes, ensuring it meets the highest standards set by health authorities. So, overall the tap water in Madrid is very safe to drink. Something I will say though, the water may come from the best place and go through the best treatment, what you cannot guarantee is the local plumbers handywork.

This is going probably not ever going to be a problem, but lets say you have a baby, the best thing to do would be to boil the water first. Alternatively you can get yourself a traveling water filter or buy bottled to be extra safe.

CDC Approval:

If you need even more security and a little official confirmation, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) vouches for the safety of tap water in Madrid and in all major Spanish cities. It’s a testament to the city’s commitment to providing residents and visitors with potable water that meets strict health standards.

Breaking the Bottled Water Habit:

While tap water in Madrid is undoubtedly safe, some locals still prefer bottled water due to personal preferences. However, there’s no need to be intimated by this cultural difference. It’s the same in every country, you just want something different. Drinking the tap water in Madrid is perfectly safe.

One of the greatest things about the drinking water in Madrid is they give it to you for free! Yes, there are fountains all around the city directly connected to the main supply. You only need to carry your refillable water bottle with you everywhere you got, and you are never to far from a public water fountain.

Not just for humans, they even have water fountains that cater to our K9 friends. You can go to this map, and every single public water fountain is marked on the map.

Tap water in Madrid Restaurants

Up until recently, restaurants were not obliged to serve you tap water, and you had to buy bottled. The law has now changed though, so if you are ok with it, you can ask for a jug or a glass of water and they will serve it with your food. Some buffet restaurants can have a one drink minimum, but in most bars and restaurants in Madrid asking for a glass of tap water is fine.


Is it safe to drink tap water in Madrid?

Yes, it is safe to drink tap water in Madrid. The city’s tap water undergoes rigorous monitoring and purification processes, meeting the highest health standards set by authorities. Madrid boasts some of the best tap water in Spain, so you can enjoy it without any worries.

Brands of bottled water in Madrid

There’s a slight difference, but if you ask me, as long as it is spring water and filtered all bottled water is good enough to drink. Some of the most popular are Bezoya, Fontvella, Evian, but just go with the cheapest one. Some of them come in a sports bottle, these can be good to but one time then keep refilling it from the public water fountains.

Does Madrid’s tap water taste good?

Overall, I would say yes it does. I never note much of a difference no matter where I drink the tap water in Madrid.

Is tap water safe to drink in restaurants and bars?

Yes, tap water is safe to drink in restaurants and bars in Madrid. However, it’s not typically served automatically. You may need to ask for “agua de grifo” (water from the tap) specifically if you prefer it over bottled water.

Are there situations where bottled water is a better choice?

While tap water is safe and recommended, there might be certain situations where bottled water is more practical. For instance, in high-end restaurants or when ordering a “menú del día” where bottled water may be included as the drink option.

Are public drinking fountains available in Madrid?

Yes, there are many of them all around the city. See the one closest to you here

How do locals feel about drinking tap water?

Many locals in Madrid do drink tap water without any issues. However, some still prefer bottled water out of personal preference. Nevertheless, embracing tap water is becoming more popular as people recognize the benefits of sustainability and reducing plastic waste.

How to ask for water in Madrid?

You can simply say ¨Agua, Por Favor¨, this means water please. They will probably indicate large or small and bring a bottle of water.

If you want to ask for a glass of water in Spanish, you say ¨Un vaso de agua, por favor¨, meaning ¨A glass of water please.¨


Me personally, I always travel with a backpack, big or small and always have a water bottle. When the weather is really hot, you need to let the water run for a little so it cools down, and I always wipe the spout with a tissue if I have it to hand. 

Also note that in the colder months, the water fountains are turned off. They actually cut the water and remove the spouts. My advice is to always carry a water bottle with you, and you are never too far from a water station to fill up.