If you are travelling to Madrid and are looking for some fun activities for kids, then the theme parks, amusement park, fun fairs, depending on what you call them are all a great way to spend a day and have some fun with the kids in Madrid. Especially on the hotter days of the year where you don´t really want to be going for long walks its great to have all the fun for the day concentrated in one area.
Madrid has a number of amusements parks and fun fairs and we have visited them all many times. We even used to buy a yearly pass at a cost of appx 100 euros and go to one of the amusements parks in Madrid at least once every weekend. Among the amusements parks are the Parque de Attracciones, the Warner park Madrid, the Zoo Aquarium Madrid and Faunia Madrid. I will do my best to give you enough info on each one so you can make the best decision and include any savings where possible.
The Best Amusements parks and Fun Fairs in Madrid
Parque de Atracciones de Madrid (The main amusement park in Madrid)

The parque de atracciones Madrid has been open to the public since 1969 and is Madrid official amusement park. It is located in Casa de Campo spread over a 20 hectare park and has a total of 36 rides. There are 7 rollercoasters and 3 rides where you are bound to get a little wet, and this is a blessing on a hot day.
As with all amusement parks, it can get busy here, but as the park is quite easily accessible via all modes of transport, and the prices are not through the roof, the queues tend to be quite reasonable reasonable.
The park is divided into 4 areas. Maquinismo, Naturaleza, Nickelodeon land and Tranquility, each with its own unique theme. Lets go in to a little more detail so you know what to expect when you get to the amusement park.
Nickelodeon Land
If you have younger kids, or you are just and old kid yourself, Nickelodeon Land is definitely the most popular attraction for kids at the theme park. They have areas like Sponge Bob´s bikini bottom where kids can splash about in the water and interact with a little water park. There are bumper cars just for kids, a Dora the explorer adventure ride among a few other soft rides for the smaller kids whilst at the park.
One of the calmer parts of the amusement park with large open spaces and plenty of places to sit down. One of the coolest rides here is the Jungle ride, where you get to take a ride on a log boat that moves at a pretty slow pace and go through a mock up of a jungle with trees, animals, the whole shebang.
Can you enter the theme park with food?
They have really good picnic areas with tables at the theme park, and you are allowed to take your own food in, so this is a great option if you don´t want to spend too much money on lunch. You can either pre make all your snacks and load a bag up, or stop by at a supermarket on your way, grab a loaf of sliced bread and some fillings, a few snacks and you are good to go. Always be sure to take a bottle of water with you, and you can refill this with the fountains spread out all over the park.
What shows and at what time?
What are the opening hours?
The opening hours of the amusement park vary depending on the time of the year and the day, but you can check out the timetable here
How to get to the theme park in Madrid?
Getting to the park using all forms of transport is pretty easy as the theme park is very conveniently located in Casa de Campo.
If you are travelling here by car, the most common approach is to take the M-30 motorway towards Badajoz, and come off at the exit marked Parque de Atracciones / Casa de Campo exit. The signs to the theme park are clearly marked, and with a little help from your sat nav you should have no trouble finding the park.
Are there discounted tickets for the Amusement Park in Madrid?
You can purchase your discounted tickets here at a third off the gate price guaranteed.
Warner Park Madrid

Hollywood Boulevard
Cartoon Village

The Old West

DC Super Heroes World

Movie World Studios

Be prepared to get the full movie experience. Ever wondered how they film some of the crazy stunts in Hollywood movies, well be prepared to see it right there in live action. One of the greatest shows I have ever seen at any theme park anywhere.
On a full sized movie set, you get to watch a scene from the well know Police Academy movies. There’s car chases, jumps, shootouts, its loud and chaotic and just an all around amazing experience to see the stunt crew in action. I have seen this at least 4 times, and I´m so excited to watch it every time that I have never even been able to film it because I enjoy seeing it live so much. The kids go banana´s at this one!
To add to this, there is also a Musical you can see, the Aquaman nighttime firework display, and the cherry on top, the superstar parade at the end of the day where a number of the most well known characters from the Warner Bros Studio´s ride down Hollywood Boulevard in their floats.
There´s a couple of rides for the kids here like the Yogi bear ride, but be careful as it can get a little wet and also the cinema tour where you take a tour of California. But lets not forget about the adrenaline junkies, because there is also the Stunt Fall ride. It goes up to 115 km/h and reached a height of 65 meters. The ride starts off shooting you up a inclined rail, then you fall down backwards experiencing the same in reverse.
Services On Site
- Cash machines all around the park
- Lockers if need to leave a heavy bag
- First aid
- Smoking areas
Opening Times & Hours
Can You Take Food In To Warner Park
Warner Park in Madrid has a policy to not allow food being brought in and they site hygiene as the reason. There are more than enough options at the park to choose from so you definitely wont go hungry, but like all theme parks it can get a little expensive. I won´t lie, I always sneak in an empty bottle of water so I can refill it around the park at the fountains, and I also jam a few breakfast bars and some fruit in my backpack. I have never had anything taken off me even when they check your bags, so at your own risk, but as long as you don’t have half the supermarket in the bag, they tend to turn a blind eye.
Getting To Warner Park Madrid
There are many different ways you can choose to get to Warner Park. By private vehicle, you can take a bus or the Renfe commuter train to Pinto (where you can take a bus from the station that drops you off right at the gates).
Unless you are taking a taxi or driving their yourself, the train is going to be the best option, and also depending on what part of Madrid you are going to be staying. So my advice would be to check google maps route planner the night before to check the best route, and then check it again before you leave on the day to make sure there are no delays on any of the methods of transport you will be using to make sure.
Zoo In Madrid

What animals do they have at the Zoo in Madrid?
South America
North America
When I think about it, the only Animals I associate with north America are things like the Bald Eagle, Bison and Raccoons and they have them all apart from the eagle. Bison that weigh over a ton ! If you have never seen one in person before, it´s hard to believe that a Bison is that large but they really are like a tank.
Central America and Caribbean
Educational Activities at he Zoo In Madrid
Sometimes you don’t just want to see the animals and read a little placard about them, but you want to see them in action, see how they behave when they have the space, and as I mentioned, all the habitats for the animals are large and spacious and to add to the excitement of visiting the Madrid Zoo there are also daily educational shows that take place here and they are amazing opportunities for the kids to have a bit of fun and see the animals in action.
The Dolphin Show
The Sea-lion educational activity
Watching the Sea Lions play around is like a slap stick comedy, something like the three stooges. The way they respond and the things they do, its almost like they are trying to get a laugh from the crowd, and they do, a lot of them. You just cant hold your laughter when the sea lion slaps one of the trainers on the backside!
But although they are cute and funny, they also weigh close to 300 kilos and measure up to 2.30 meters so they are not a small animal at all. In fact in the wild a sea lion is a pretty serious predator so its great to see them in this setting where they are a lot calmer without the need to be on edge all the time to defend their livelihood.
The show is free for everyone, last appx 20 mins, and the times are From Monday to Friday at 12.00, 15.30. Weekends and public Holidays to 11:30, 14:00, 16:30.
Exotic birds educational activity

Grab a few snack, get the kids, take a seat and enjoy the show where you will see Cockatoos, Parrots, Toucans, Macaws and Parakeets free fly through the air from one side of the large open space to the other. You get a whole other view of birds when you see they can follow their handlers instructions, they are really intelligent.
Like the rest of the shows it is free and lasts around 20 mins, and it takes place from Monday to Friday at 14:00. Weekends and public Holidays to 12:30, 15:30.
Birds of prey educational activity
Map of the Zoo
Services at the Zoo
Frequently asked questions
Can you take food in to the Zoo in Madrid
Do babies have to pay to enter the Zoo?
Do you have to pay for parking at the Zoo?
Are pets allowed in the Zoo?
For obvious safety reasons, you cannot take any pets in to the Zoo. The last thing you want is your little terrier going viral for ending up in the lions cage !
How to get to the Madrid Zoo
What are the opening hours of the Zoo
Faunia Madrid
Faunia is a very special place in Madrid. If you want to get away from the hustle of the capital for a little while, this natural environment is perfect for you and the family. Faunia is an ideal plan if you want to spend a day sharing unique moments with your family where you can see and interact with a number animals.
I myself grew up in a village in Cyprus where there was always wildlife about, but I also wanted my kids to be able to appreciate and respect animals. All animals look cute on television but seeing one and interacting with one up close is completely different so I really feel like the numerous trips we have taken to Faunia in Madrid have been very beneficial for my kids.
There is so much to see, so many activities you can take part in, so much open and green space, and all the animals, it is a really nice day out with the family or just if you want to do something different with a group of friends. The park has been divided in a way to represent distinct ecosystems, and each one has been designed really well, there are interactive things for the kids to do along the way, a non stop adventure and you learn a whole lot along the way.
The Jungle
You can imagine its pretty hard to emulate the Amazon Rainforest, it being the largest tropical forest in the world with a relative humidity of 80% and temperatures averaging 28 degrees Celsius, but they have done a really good job her at Faunia Madrid of giving us an experience that at least gives us a glimpse of what it may be like.
The indoor jungle they have created is a one of a kind walk through experience. Make sure you keep the gates closed behind you though, don´t want a little monkey or a bird escaping! As you walk through the enclosure, you are literally walking among some of the faunia you would fin in the Amazon, kids absolutely love this part.
Some of the animals you will get to see in the jungle are the Geoldi´s Marmoset (a tiny monkey measuring just 20cm), toucan,s, parrots, arapaimas and quite a few others. It can get pretty warm in here so if you are coming in the summer make sure you have some cooler clothes on.
The Temperate Forest

Not only do they have animals from the part of the world where the ecosystem is present, they also have a lot of plants from the same region to add to the authenticity. Some of the animals you will come across are the Muntaj that look something akin to a mini deer and they actually sound like a dog barking at high pitch. The there are the Damsel crane’s and a lot of other types of birds that I cannot remember the names off but are as pretty as each other. If I remember correctly, they also had some pretty large turkey’s in this section too, and kids always love the noises they make and were imitating it all day long after that !
The African Forest
As the rest of the other eco systems at Faunia Madrid, they have done the utmost to make the habitat as close to an African Forest, and you will see a number of animals here like the Crowned Crane, Emerald Starlings, Guinea Fowls, but the most popular animals to see here are the various species of Lemur. These include the Red Rufous Lemur, the Ring-tailed Lemur and the Gray Mouse Lemur. I reference this a lot, but I just imagine the Lemurs talking with the accent of the Lemur from the Madagascar animated movie and just end up breaking out laughing imagining conversations between the Lemurs! Another really popular one with the kids though.
Steller Bay

The Poles
Silent Shadows (Nocturnal Animals)
What Other Animals Are There In Faunia Madrid?
- Red Kangaroo
- The Canyon Of The Dinosaurs – Amazing dinosaur reproductions
- The Lake – Many different types of birds that fly in and out of Faunia freely
- Dragon Nursery – Want to know more about Komodo Dragons, go check out the nursery
- Garden of Eden – This is for the lovers of butterflies
- Pelican Lake – The main birds to see here are the Pelican and the Great Cormorant
- Crocodile Mangrove – Want to see a real life dinosaur, come check out the crocodiles
- Mysteries Underground – Come and get your fill of creepy crawlies
- Red Panda – Such a gorgeous animal, you cant miss it
- Giant Tortoises
- Poison – Discover some of the deadliest animals on the planet
Activities for Kids at Faunia Madrid
There are a number of interactive activities kids and families as a whole can take part in at the theme park. The fees for the activities are purchased separately and are not included in the ticket price.
The Polar Expedition where you get to learn all about Penguins and their habitats, and what is done at Faunia to make sure they get the best care and environment possible.
Meet The Sea Bears takes place at stellar bay. First you are given some information about the animals from the handlers regarding their habitats, the different species that exist and a little more about each of the species. Then you get to have actual contact with the sea bears after you are given instruction on how to move and communicate with the animals.
The experience with the Manatees is a bit more hands on. These animals are really tranquil, so you will actually be getting in the water, and feeding them under the supervision of the staff.
At the Reptile School you get to learn about and interact with a number of reptiles and amphibians. Of course for safety reasons the animals you get to touch are non-venomous and you have to wear gloves.
The Saimiri Experience
Little Cute tiny monkeys, what else do I have to say. You get to interact with the little squirrel monkeys and learn all about out little fury friends. This will make you the fav with your kids for sure.
There are also a number of free educational activities at Faunia Madrid. All of the educational activities are free and last around 10 mins each so its enough to teach the kids something interesting, but not long enough for them to lose interest.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do you have wheelchairs for people with reduced mobility?
Yes, you just have to request them at the entrance, present your ID and it is also free subject to availability.
Does Faunia have its own parking? How much does it cost?
Yes they do have private parking at Faunia and it cost 6 euros for the duration of your visit.
Can I enter Faunia with pets?
For safety reason, you cannot enter Faunia with your pets. Last thing you want is little fluffy escaping and becoming a snack for the crocs !
How do I get to Faunia?
The direction you need to aim for is Casa de Campo, but my best advice would be to always check on google route planner the day before, then on the day to confirm as you could be travelling in from various parts of Madrid.
Do kids have to pay to enter Faunia?
Kids aged 3 and under do not need to purchase a ticket and enter free.
Can I take food to Faunia?
Yes, you can take food to Faunia. This is really good of them, although you can buy food from one of the many options at the park, but they have dedicated picnic areas where you can relax with your family on the grass.
Now you have a little bit of a better idea about the Theme Parks and Amusement Parks you can visit here in Madrid. Have a great time out with the family or your friends, or even alone. Please drop a comment and share your experience, I would love to hear from you.