Raising a Glass: The Ins and Outs of the Legal Drinking Age in Spain

what is the age limit for drinking alcohol in spain

The legal drinking age in Spain is 18, like most other European countries like Italy, Portugal, France, Netherlands etc. This is common knowledge those that live in Europe, but if you are traveling to Spain from say the US, it’s good to know the laws are different.

If you are parent sending a group of 18-year-olds to Spain, be aware that they will be allowed to purchase alcohol, even if it is not legal in their native country. I will say that people in Spain are a lot more responsible with alcohol, and if you are in Madrid, you get Tapas with every drink which helps stop you from getting too drunk and makes it a more social activity.

From what I understand, the legal drinking age in the US is 21, in Canada it’s 19. I meet a lot of people that travel here from the US that are shocked when they are allowed into bars and to buy alcohol from supermarkets. In some European countries kids at 16 can even buy low alcoholic beverages, so as you see the laws are a little more relaxed with alcohol in Europe.

In this article, I’ll delve into the details surrounding the legal drinking age, provide essential information, address common questions, and encourage responsible consumption.

What is the Legal Drinking Age in Spain

The age limit for drinking alcohol in Spain, including Madrid and all cities is 18. No one younger than 18 can purchase alcohol or should be drinking alcohol. Now, I travel a lot and go to a lot of small villages in the north of Spain, and these rules may not be strictly adhered too. You might see a 16-17 year old having a shandy or a small glass of wine with family at a festival, but I consider this to be normal.

In France, kids as young as 13 are allowed to have a watered-down glass of wine for dinner, and this introduces them to alcohol so they don’t go full throttle as soon as they come of age where they can buy it themselves.

You will also see gatherings of some teenagers in parks having a beer or two, and this is the same the world over. The culture around alcohol is a little more relaxed in Spain, so by the time people are of an age to socialize in bars, they know what alcohol is, how to approach it and act etc. It is best to not drink alcohol of course, but better to be educated about it than not.

Buying Alcohol in Shops in Spain

So how old do you have to be to buy alcohol from shops in Spain, 18. All supermarkets in Spain sell alcohol, and they will always ask you for ID if you look younger than 18, sometimes they may even have a challenge 25, so always have your I.D. If you are asked and don’t have it, you will not be able to buy alcohol in Spain.

Local convenience stores however are known to sell alcohol to minors. I have a teenage daughter that lost a lot of privileges for doing exactly this, and I had quite the word with the shop owner who sold her the alcohol. So, although the legal drinking age in Spain is 18, kids will always find a way to get their hands on it if they want to, we can only be cautious and educative so they understand the dangers.

So overall, you must be 18 to buy alcohol from shops in Spain, but if you are over here with a bunch of teenagers, keep an eye on them as they will probably find a way to get their hands on a bevvy or two.
Oh, one more thing is that shops in Spain cannot sell you alcohol after 10pm. You will probably find shops that are open and selling alcohol, and this is overlooked mostly.

Drinking in public spaces in Spain

Spain allows responsible consumption of alcohol in public places, including parks and streets. But you need to be respectful of this as it is not actually legal, they just let adults be adults if you are behaving. I have been sitting in a park with a beer before and been approached by police (I was wearing a tracksuit), but never when I am dressed for work in a shirt.

There is some bias here, so if you are a tourist, they may approach you and tell you to not drink on the streets as they don’t want to encourage it. If you are a group of kids in the park you might be asked to move on But, if you are just with a group of friends, or with the kids in the park and you decide to have a cold beer on the benches, no one is going to trouble you.

I would say don’t walk around in public places with an open beer, there are more than enough bars in Madrid. But you can go to a park and chill on a bench with a drink, you won’t be troubled.

Restrictions and Enforcement

While the legal drinking age is set at 18, there are restrictions on the sale and consumption of certain alcoholic beverages. For example, distilled spirits with an alcohol content exceeding 23% can only be sold to individuals aged 18 or older. If you are caught drinking alcohol in the streets in Spain, if they decide to enforce, you can face a fine of up to €600, so play it safe.

The restrictions for alcohol in Spain may vary from city to city, but the fines and expected behavior with alcohol is pretty much the same all over.

Enforcement of these regulations is taken seriously, and establishments are required to adhere to age verification protocols to prevent underage drinking. Local authorities and law enforcement agencies monitor compliance with these laws to maintain a safe and responsible drinking environment.

The culture of drinking in Spain

The culture of drinking in Spain is embedded in their social fabric and traditions. They have a more relaxed approach to it than most countries and enjoy it as part of their social interactions and celebrations.

I go to Asturias every year, and they have cider festivals where they literally have drums of alcohol being wheeled through the streets. At any social gathering, festivity, get together with some friends there is bound to be a beer or two.
Just look at the Tapas culture we have here in Madrid. Every time you order a drink, you get a small snack, some wings, chorizo, a piece of tortilla. I go to some bars just because I know the tapas are better, not even for the beer first!

Then you have the hour of “Vermut”. Before lunch, many people will sit at a bar and have a glass of Vermouth, either white or red and this has become a staple in my life. If I see the sun out, I already start planning my lunch based on what bar is close.

I am from London originally, so what I was used to is people getting drunk as quick as they can, but seeing the drinking culture in Spain gave me a whole new view of how you can enjoy alcohol responsibly. You can have a good time as well without having to check video evidence the next day to know what happened.

Drinking and driving in Spain

Simply put, do not do this in any country, but there is no leniency when it comes to drink driving in Spain. The legal limit is 250 micrograms per liter for a breathalyzer and 0.5 grams per liter for a blood tests. The fines range from €500 – €1000 euros and you could lose your license.

I have been stopped a few times, and if you get stopped by the municipal police it’s not so bad, they are professional. If you get stopped by the Guardia Civil though, they are a little more intimidating. So just be safe and don’t drink and drive in Spain.


Can minors consume alcohol in Spain if accompanied by their parents or legal guardians?
While the legal drinking age is 18, minors aged 16 and 17 can consume alcoholic beverages when accompanied by their parents or legal guardians in certain controlled environments, such as family gatherings or private events.

Are there any penalties for selling or providing alcohol to underage individuals in Spain?
Yes, there are penalties for selling or providing alcohol to individuals below the legal drinking age. Establishments can face fines, closure, or other legal consequences for non-compliance.

What is the legal age for drinking in Spain?
The legal drinking age in Spain is set at 18 nationwide.

What time can you buy alcohol in Spain in the morning?
Supermarkets can start selling alcohol from 9.am until 10pm. Some shops will have extended licenses to sell alcohol earlier or later, but 9am is going to be the average time you’ll be able to buy alcohol in Spain.

How expensive is alcohol in Spain?
I will answer this with another question. Why is alcohol in Spain so cheap? Because tourism is huge in Spain, this means the sale of a lot of alcohol, like ungodly amounts. Can you imagine how much alcohol is being sold in Benidorm and all the seaside towns. Tax is lower on alcohol because so many people buy it, so they can afford to collect less tax on the overall demand.

A large part of the economy also relies on bars and restaurants, so if there was a tax hike, it would be felt through the entire economy, so don´t ask just drink, we don´t want to bring too much attention to this.
What time do they stop selling alcohol in Spain?

This will differ if you are buying from a bar, a supermarket, an ice cream stand. As a generic rule, 9am-10pm. But, if you are in a major city, no matter the time, you will always find a beer in Spain, no matter the hour.

Can you walk in public with alcohol in Spain?
As far as the law is concerned, you should not be drinking on the streets in Spain, but it is a grey area. Best practice is to not do it, go to a bar, sit in the park.

What is the most popular alcohol in Spain?
Beer, Beer, Wine, Beer & more Beer.

Just be sensible when you are drinking in Spain. So long as you are not out there shouting and disturbing people like a group of drunken football fans, you will have a great time. Most of the time you will be sitting at a bar anyway, so you don’t need to think about this, there are hundreds and thousands of bars along every street so threat not.

If you are coming to Spain from America, then obviously some of you will be taking advantage of the fact that you can drink three years earlier than you can in America, but don’t go crazy. Luckily, you tend to get food with your drinks, so you won’t get blackout drunk your first time, but still be careful.

I hope you have a great time on your travels to Spain. I live in Madrid myself, so if you are passing through, drop me a comment. I would be happy to answer any questions you have, maybe even grab a drink and show yo some of my favorite hangouts.